At Bright Beginning we believe that fitness is an essential component to early child development. Research has shown for many years that physiological benefits of exercise. Certainly it’s good for our hearts, lungs and muscles but recent studies have shown the remarkable effect regular exercise has on our brains and mental

Providing children with developmentally appropriate motor skill instruction builds a foundation for successful participation in later childhood and adult physical activities. A developmentally appropriate physical development curriculum for preschool children provides experiences which encourage development in the psychomotor, affective, and cognitive areas. Psychomotor learning is the development of muscles to work in organized patterns guided by signals from the environment. It is the relationship between cognitive functions and physical movement in education. Psychomotor learning is demonstrated by physical skills such as:

  • Movement
  • Coordination
  • Manipulation
  • Dexterity
  • Grace
  • Strength
  • Speed

Our weekly Fitness Fun is a fun, structured program that introduces children to a wide range of sports which helps build coordination, self-esteem, and a life-long love of sports and fitness.

Children enjoy an age-appropriate, hands-on introduction to a wide range of sports in a fun, safe and non-competitive setting. The Fitness Fun experience is enjoyable and encouraging. Fitness Fun ensures that a child’s first sports experiences are positive, and it is the only way to expose kids quickly to a broad range of sports options.

Bright Beginning also includes Yoga as another weekly fitness program. Yoga and mindfulness offer psychological benefits for children. A growing body of research has already shown that Yoga can improve focus, memory, self-esteem, academic performance, and classroom behavior and can even reduce anxiety and stress in children.

The benefits from Yoga are enormous. Not only physically, like flexibility, strength, coordination and body awareness, it also helps with their concentration and sense of calmness and relaxation improves.

Bright Beginning provides one 30 minute Fitness Fun class as well as one 30 minute Yoga class weekly. The teachers also incorporate movement into the classrooms throughout the entire week.
