What Are You Feeling on the Inside? Ways to Help Teach Empathy to Children!

What Are You Feeling on the Inside? Ways to Help Teach Empathy to Children!

We are continuing to focus on Empathy and Kindness during the month of LOVE! The definition of Empathy means that someone can share or understand the emotions and feelings of another person. Someone may need to have a certain amount of empathy before they can feel compassion. Empathy is important because it is a critical…

Draw Your Feelings! A Helpful Way to Show Empathy and Compassion for Others.

Draw Your Feelings! A Helpful Way to Show Empathy and Compassion for Others.

For our last week in February, we focused on Empathy in the classrooms! The teachers planned a special art project with the children called Empathy X-ray Art. The teachers first discussed with the children the different types of feelings and emotions. We discussed what are good feelings, like excited, loved, brave, and strong. We also…