Yo Ho Ho and 9 Pirate and Princess Activities To Do At Home!!!

Yo Ho Ho and 9 Pirate and Princess Activities To Do At Home!!!

Arghhhh matey’s (as well as princesses)! You guessed it…this week was Camp Pirates and Princesses!!! This is ALWAYS such a fun week as we “Walk the Plank” (obstacle course), find buried treasure, sailed ships, played in the water during Water day, balanced books on our heads, wore tiaras & wands, and made fun festive Art…


We ended the week with a Dress Like a Pirate or Princess day! Some fun PIRATE AND PRINCESS activities you can do at home with your children: Go on a Pirate/Scavenger Hunt for Buried Treasure (recognizing letters, numbers, or shapes) Create Pirate Discovery Bottles (add craft sand, glitter, beads, gold sequins, shells, and jewels) Parrot Art (cups,…