This past week was filled with spring-related activities! Not sure about you, but we are READY for warmer weather, more time outside, flowers blooming, starting the garden, and preparing for a FULL next couple of months, so let’s HOP right into our Positive Psychology focus.
We focused on Stress, Worry, and Anxiety this week in the classrooms and with the children. The teachers started off by reading the book, “Don’t Feed the Worry Bug” by Andi Green. This book is about Wince, the Worrier, and how he worries about everything! And when Wince starts to worry, his Worry Bug appears. At first, the Worry Bug is small and non-threatening, but the more Wince worries, the more his Worry Bug grows. This book starts the conversation about worry and anxiety. We all worry, it happens, but the key is to not let those worries AKA the WorryBug grow to the point that it ruins your day.

In the classrooms, the children were able to hold/hug, draw or write and tell their worries to the Monster. The monster would “eat it up” and not allow their stress or worry to ruin their day.

The older classrooms read the book, “Help Your Dragon Deal with Anxiety” by Steven Herman. This book focuses on how having a pet dragon can be fun, but what happens if your dragon worries about so many things? What happens when he worries about his math test or gets anxious about going to the doctor? This book helps you to teach him how to deal with his anxiety.
The children then created their own Worry Doll using tongue depressors, yarn, and markers. A super simple art project that can be done at home with you and your family!

Something we shared with the teachers this week…
When you’re feelings go low, let your gaze go high. Watch the clouds- Look up at the sky and pay attention to the clouds. See what shapes you can see and notice how they move across the sky. When different thoughts vie for your attention, notice them, then let them drift by…just like clouds.
We challenge you and your family, whatever you’re doing, wherever you are, take a moment to look at the clouds! What do you see?
Lastly, here are pictures of my sons and I enjoying the weather and taking a moment to look at the clouds. 🙂

Be sure to come back next week as we continue to discuss Mindset, Stress, and Worry! Have a great weekend!