We have finished our SECOND week of school and we are feeling GOOD!!!! As a reminder, our first month of the new school year is getting adjusted, learning the rules and routine of the classrooms, making friends, and learning about our families and the community!

As we wrap up this week, we focused on the theme of “Rules and Routines”! It’s so important to create a successful routine for your children, not just at school, but also at home.

Here are a few helpful ideas to create a successful routine at home.

Establish a Consistent Bedtime Routine: 

  1. Keep a consistent schedule for bedtime, but also for waking up in the morning and that includes weekends!

2. Help children fall asleep with a relaxing and calming routine that is free of electronics and TV. We strongly encourage reading every night and even journaling!

3. Set the mood by regulating the temperature and light levels. Try sound machines or a fan to help them fall asleep and stay asleep

Plan Ahead:

  1. Be sure to look at our Monthly Newsletter where you will find our Calendar of Events to see if there are any upcoming events or special days, like Bike Day coming up soon!. Also, stay on top of reading all emails and messages from your site Director and child’s teachers.

2. Pack lunches the night before as well as have your child’s water bottle ready to go. (Please remember to label all cold items as they will go in the classroom fridge.)

3. Have your child pick out their clothes the night before and have their shoes and socks ready to go as well. (As the weather starts to change, make sure you have jackets, hats, and gloves/mittens ready to go as well.)

Setting the Tone in the Morning:

  1. Create a calming family music playlist for the mornings to boost the mood.

2. Recite Positive Affirmations/Words. Share what you are looking forward to that day. 

3. Connect. Hug, hold hands and give your child verbal praise to show them affection.

Create a Visual Schedule:

  1. Have your child make their bed (accomplishing one small task can make them feel like they can take on the world!)

2. Brush teeth and hair

3.Get Dressed

4. Eat a high-protein and low-sugar breakfast

5. Feed your pets, if any.

6. Collect backpack (for the beginning of the week), lunchbox, and water bottle. 

7. Take vitamins and medicine.

8. Turn off all lights. 

As we enter the third week of school, we invite you to have your child bring in a family photo to share with their friends in the classroom as our theme of the week is “My Family”! The teachers will add their photos to the family tree in the classroom for all to see!

For our last week in September, we are focusing on “My Community” as our theme for the week. If you or anyone you know is a Community Helper, we would love for you to send in a video (less than 5 minutes) of who you are, what you do for our community and any other important information that ages 2-5 will understand. We will share these videos during our Circle Time Meetings. Please email the site Directors directly!

Be sure to come back next week as we will continue to send out important information, tips/suggestions, and more EVERY week!!!

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