Summer has come to an end!!! We had another successful Summer Camp and hope your child enjoyed participating in all of the fun and we hope you enjoyed seeing all the fun on the HiMama app, Facebook pages and our weekly blog!
We wrapped up the summer with Camp Fiesta! The children made their very own sombrero’s, had a fiesta cooking center where they made taco art, played pin the tail on the donkey, made maracas and listened to a mariachi band, and even had a whack at the piñata in hopes to get a special treat.

Today for our last day of Summer Camp, everyone wore their tie-dye shirts they made and had an Ice Cream Social! With summer ending, we will have to say goodbye to some of our friends. While we are so sad to see them move on to their next chapter, we are cheering you all on and wish you the best of luck!

Just a friendly reminder that BBCLC is CLOSED next week for Teacher In-Service week! This is the time the teachers are preparing and planning for the new school year! We can’t wait for you to see the classrooms!!
Be sure to come back next week as we discuss all things Fall, getting back into the groove of school mornings, Positive Psychology as well as fun things to do at home with your kiddos!
Adios, for now!