This past week, we talked All About our families and ourselves! We learned who’s in our family by looking at photos and videos. We created our own, “Who’s in our Family” Art as well as our “Classroom Family” wreath. We learned that we are unique, even down to our fingerprints and we created self-portraits art by looking at pictures of us. We also made fun All About Me bags, where we added items that tell about ourselves to show at school.

We also enjoyed the LAST BIT of summer by enjoying outside time, moving our bodies, exploring nature and even cloud watching!

We encourage you and your family at home to take some time out of your day to enjoy the outdoors. Go on a walk, ride bikes, explore nature and watch the clouds go by. The children love getting outside and spending time with loved ones, plus it’s a great way to connect all while moving our bodies! (A conversation starter while being outdoors can be “What colors are the leaves on the tree?” or “Let’s see what colors we can find in nature!”)
Lastly, Mark Your Calendar!!!

BBCLC is gearing up for our Annual Book Fair and Fundraiser! There will be LOTS of books to choose from as well as face painting, arts & crafts, bake sale, used book sale, vendors and more!!!
If you are interested in being a vendor, adding your marketing material or donating to the bake sale and used book sale, please click on the link below for more information and how to sign up!!!!
Be sure to come back every week for important information, tips/suggestions, activities, and art that you can do at home with your family!