This past week, we incorporated “Specials” into our classroom schedule. Specials include Yoga & Mindfulness, Spanish, Author of the Month, and Jumpbunch. We also have rotating special days, like Bike Day, Pajama Day, Cooking as well as Positive Education. 

During Yoga & Mindfulness, we started it off with a Sun Salutation warm-up. We then learned how to do a tree pose and partner tree pose. 

For the first week of Spanish, we focused on greetings, like hola (hello) and adios (goodbye) as well as numbers 1-5 (uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco).

During Jumpbunch, Coach Jason leads soccer by teaching the children how to kick a ball, make a goal, and practice throwing the ball. 

We are focusing on Margaret Wise Brown during our Author of the Month. Some of her great books are The Big Red Barn, Goodnight Moon, The Runaway Bunny, Good Day/Good Night, and When the Wind Blew.

As I stated before, we shifted our preschool into a Positive Preschool in 2019 where we have implemented Positive Psychology into our entire day, whether that’s reminding us to take some breaths to calm our mind and body or shifting our mindset from a negative outlook to a positive one.

For anyone that is not familiar with Positive Psychology, the scientific definition is the study of strengths that enable individuals and communities to thrive. It was founded on the belief that people want to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives, cultivate what is best within themselves, and enhance their experiences of love, work, and play.

Each month, Mrs. Whitney Carr (Director of Crownsville) and I (Executive Director) have a meeting where we focus on how to incorporate all that was learned from the Positive Education program and give the teachers the tools for in the classroom, with the children as well as activities, tips, techniques for families at home. Also, we have teambuilding opportunities, fun facts, and informative information for the staff.

Lastly, don’t forget that our Annual Scholastic Book Fair is THIS SATURDAY at the Collective (2158 Renard Court in Annapolis). We hope to see you there!!! 

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