A Few of My Favorite Things…Ways to Connect and Communicate with Others.

A Few of My Favorite Things…Ways to Connect and Communicate with Others.

This is our last week focusing on the topics of Empathy, Kindness, and Communication! As we are finishing up this week, we will have an All Staff Meeting tomorrow. Having monthly meetings are so important at this helps us stay connected, communicate with each other as well as discuss our topics/focus for the month ahead….

What a Wonderful Time of Year! Four Games to Playing During the Holidays with your Family!
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What a Wonderful Time of Year! Four Games to Playing During the Holidays with your Family!

What a wonderful time of the year! This past weekend, the BBCLC team/family came together to have our Annual Holiday Party and it sure was a wonderful time!!! It was encouraged to come dressed in your festive wear, whether that be pajamas, an ugly sweater, festive leggings, etc.  As the team arrived, they placed their…

6 Mindful & Connection Activities to do with your family this time of year!

6 Mindful & Connection Activities to do with your family this time of year!

We are finishing this great month with Mindfulness sprinkled with a little bit of Gratitude! The teachers started “Gratitude Stones” where you place a stone somewhere at work (or in your home), whether it’s in your cabinet or closet, kitchen, or bathroom, or even on your desk. Every time you see the stone, think of…

10 Ways to Connect and Build Relationships with your Loved Ones!

10 Ways to Connect and Build Relationships with your Loved Ones!

We are officially in November and focusing on Relationships/Connections and Mindfulness! The last two months of the year are ALWAYS so BUSY!!! So, let’s get right into it…. Relationships and Connections are a great topic, especially during the upcoming holidays. Staying connected and building relationships with the ones you love and care for are so…

10 Affordable, Easy, and Practical Ways to Spend Purposeful Family Time Together!

10 Affordable, Easy, and Practical Ways to Spend Purposeful Family Time Together!

Bright Beginning Children’s Learning Center is so excited to announce that we have NOW started a blog on our website!!! Our focus for the blog will be about how our preschool has shifted into a Positive Preschool! What that means is that currently four of our teachers and Administration (all staff will complete and become…