For the last month of the school year (that sure did fly by!!!), we are focusing on Savoring and Perseverance in Positive Psychology. 

We reviewed with our team about savoring the moments and experiences in the classroom with the children, team, and even family and friends at home! We also discussed making sure to set aside time for self-care moments and experiences. 

Something we discussed in Positive Psychology is the word Hygge [hoo ga] and how to apply it to your life. The meaning of Hygge is defined as: 

1. The art of building sanctuary and community of inviting closeness and paying attention to what makes us feel open-hearted and alive.

 2. To create well-being, connection, and warmth. 

3. A feeling of belonging to the moment and each other.

 4. Celebrating the everyday. 

Here are some ways you and your family can incorporate Hygge into your home and life. 

  1. Add as much natural light as possible. 
  2. Have a candlelit (battery operated ones are a plus) dinner with your entire family. 
  3. Create a fort and add twinkle lights. This is where you can read stories together! 
  4. Some yummy hot drinks could be coffee and tea for the grownups and hot cocoa for the kiddies. (This could be fun while reading stories, playing a game together or while sitting on your porch.
  5. Have a special family movie night with popcorn and candy!
  6. Have a fun night with board games, puzzles and creating Art together!
  7. Create a calm nightly routine with a bubble bath while playing calming music. 
  8. Go for a nightly stroll in your community or on a trail. 
  9. Enjoy the outside. Plant a tree, add colorful flowers to your yard or tend to your garden together!
  10. Bake some yummy treats for neighbors, teachers, and friends or even for yourself! You don’t have to have a special day to eat cake…every day is special!

Be sure to come back next week as we discuss more about Savoring and Perseverance!!!

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