Last night, we had an all-staff meeting via Zoom where we focused on Vision Boards. The Directors led the teachers in creating their unique vision board for 2022. To walk through how to make your vision board, you first need to fill out the Wheel of Life handout. This handout focuses on Personal Development, Spiritual Awareness, Fun & Enjoyment, Relationships, Health/Aging, Personal Finance, Career/Profession, and Family/Parenting which are numbered 1-10 with 10 being the highest. For each section of the wheel, circle the number that represents your current satisfaction. The higher the number, the more satisfied you are in that area. Any areas that you would like to focus on or score low on are where you want to add to your vision board. Break down those areas with what you would like to improve on. Would you like to add movement into your day or possibly dinner with the family at least 4 times per week where everyone is off their screens? Maybe you want to add reading into your nighttime routine. 

Once you break down your areas with keywords, like movement, family time, or reading nightly, you will then want to use cutouts from magazines or books that will relate to your keywords/areas of improvement. You will then glue those cutouts to your board. We strongly suggest finding “your word” for 2022 and adding that to your board as well. 

The purpose of a vision board is to help spark motivation and to remind you of your goals, strengths, and dreams. I keep my vision board next to my desk, you can also keep yours there as well or hung in your closet or maybe on your fridge. 

We encourage you and your family to create a vision board on your own. This would be a fun activity to do together as a family. 

If you are unsure of what “your word” is for 2022. We are here to help to break it down for you. Backed by research*, setting these types of goals proves that they are more successful.

SPECIFIC: state exactly what you want to accomplish.

MEASURABLE: use smaller, mini-goals to measure progress.

ACHIEVABLE: Make your goal reasonable.

REALISTIC: set a goal that is relevant to your life.

TIMELY: give yourself time but set a deadline

*Research shows that goals that are not challenging and specific (low goals) are worse than setting a goal at all. Low goals are vague and subjective. Can decrease self-esteem and self-efficacy (a belief I can make things happen) because it can foster the belief, “I set goals and don’t accomplish them”.

Be sure to find an accountability partner to hold you accountable or to be there for support and encouragement! 

“By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands- your own.” –Mark Victor Hansen

Come back next week as it’s our last week talking about Movement and Goals!

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