Wow!!! Where has the time gone?! We officially have ONE week until summer! For the last two weeks of the school year, we are reflecting on the 2021-2022 school year. We focused on the best times we had in the classroom and with the children. We also focused on the last topics of Positive Psychology where we SAVORED and PERSEVERED.
And, that’s exactly what we did!
We are SAVORING the moments with your littles. Some are going off and doing others things during the summer, while others are continuing through and then going off to Kindergarten in the fall and then some are moving up to the next class.
While this is ALWAYS difficult to watch our littles go off and take the next steps, we will always be cheering you on!!! We can’t wait to see the places you will go!!
Some of the fun things we have done over the past week and looking forward to next week are,
- Water Day! –We had fun playing in the water, whether it was the sprinkler, water sensory bins, water beads, and more.

- The children read the story, Alex and the Amazing Lemonade Stand. Then they made their yummy lemonade.

- The Crownsville center had the opportunity to go to the local beach and play in the water while watching the Blue Angels.

- We took many opportunities to enjoy the weather by being outside, playing in organized centers, and creating Art.

- The graduating Frogs and Elephants have been practicing every day and are excited to share with their families and friends. If you are a graduating parent, be sure to keep an eye out for a detailed email from your site Directors.

Lastly, we focused on the Zone of Regulation with the children. Zone of Regulation is an approach used to support the development of self-regulation in children. All the different ways children feel and the states of alertness they experience are categorized into four colored zones. Children who are well regulated can be in the appropriate zone at the appropriate time.
The fours colors are:
- blue- sad, bored, tired, and sick
- green- calm, happy, focused, and ready to learn
- yellow– excited, silly, frustrated, nervous, and hyper
- red- out of control, anger, rage, and terror
Some benefits to the Zone of Regulation are that the child can recognize their triggers, learn to read facial expressions, develop problem-solving skills and become more attuned to how their accounts affect other people.
Together, we read the book, “Pete the Cat and His Magic Sunglasses”. We encourage you to add this book to your children’s bookshelf at home.
Be sure to come back next week as this is our LAST week of the school year!!!