Happy May! We are now in our last month of the school year! For this month, we are focusing on the topics of Savoring and Perseverance! 

We shared with our team about savoring the moments and experiences in the classroom with the children, the team, and even family and friends! We also discussed making sure to set aside time for self-care moments and experiences. 

Something we discussed in Positive Psychology is the word Hygge [hoo ga] and how to apply it to your life. This is something very important to me as I have been living a Hygge lifestyle for quite some time. 

If you’re not sure what Hygge is, it’s defined as:

1. The art of building sanctuary and community of inviting closeness and paying attention to what makes us feel open-hearted and alive.

 2. To create well-being, connection, and warmth. 

3. A feeling of belonging to the moment and each other.

 4. Celebrating the everyday. 

We encourage you to incorporate a Hygge lifestyle at home! 

Ambiance: Create a cozy and serene environment. 

  • Use a clean space
  • Decorate meaningful items
  • Play relaxing music

Nature: Surround yourself with nature.

  • Take a sunset stroll
  • Decorate with pine cones and twigs
  • Keep plants and flowers

Clothing: Make yourself comfortable.

  • Fashion is irrelevant
  • Wear yoga pants or sweatpants
  • Thick socks do the trick

Togetherness: Connect with loved ones.

  • Call or facetime a family member
  • Have a date night
  • Read stories as a family

Light: Use light that is warm and low. 

  • Light candles
  • Use multiple light sources
  • Light more candles Take advantage of natural light

Cuisine: Give in to your cravings.

  • Bake a treat
  • Make hot cocoa
  • Enjoy a candlelight dinner

Presence: Slow down and be in the moment. 

  • Forget your to-do list
  • Unplug
  • See the good
  • Celebrate each season

Leisure: Do what you enjoy.

  • Knit a sweater
  • Read a book
  • Play a game

Savor- Learning to live in the present and fully enjoy the gift of each moment.

Come back next week as we discuss more about Savoring and Perseverance!!! 

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