This past week has always been super busy as it’s GRADUATION WEEK! The teachers and children work so hard and today was the day to celebrate!

After several years of having Graduation via Zoom, we got to enjoy Graduation at the centers and with our families.

The children were ready to go! They put their cap and gown on and put on a beautiful show for their family members.

After the graduation, we continued to celebrate by having a pizza party and will end the day with an End of the Year celebration Ice Cream Social! YUM!

I wanted to take a moment to Thank Whitney Carr, Carol Churches, Heather Behe, Brianna Beverly, and Brittany Byrd! They worked SO hard! We also want to give another shout-out to the rest of our team for always doing their part to make days like today successful!

Next week, we will start our Summer Camp program where will Welcome Summer Fun with LOTS of fun activities, games, and Art. We will have a special Pajama Day, Wacky Wednesday, Water Day, and end the week with a picnic.

Some of the other fun things happening this June, are Camp Carnival, Camp Jr. Muscles, and Camp Waterworks, so stay tuned for a FUN AND EXCITING SUMMER!!!

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